Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Tribulations of Trials Evolution

Note: Much like the Max Payne 3 post, I don’t intend for this to be a review, just some thoughts on the game that have been bouncing around in my head for awhile now. I’m going to omit a few things about the game in the following wall of text, so here they are in short form: the game has multiplayer (online and off, both good), two track editors (regular and pro), filesharing (custom made tracks, which are occasionally incredible), skill games (most of which are silly and fun), and a supercross mode (which isn’t quite as fun as just regular Trials in terms of multiplayer, but is still pretty neat and features four players on screen at once). The game also features “ghosts” of people on your friends list who have already completed a track, allowing you to race their “ghost” and compete against their time. It’s a neat idea, but I found it to be sort of distracting and decided to turn it off at some point. 

Yep, this looks about right.

In the grand tradition that I seem to be starting with these posts, I’m going to talk about a game that’s been out for several months now. That game is Trials Evolution, and if I have one thing to say about this particular game, it’s this: fuck Trials Evolution. Continue reading

Future of the Left Release Album, World Becomes a More Sarcastic Place

If you’re not sure who Future of the Left are, you should  quickly acquaint yourself with the band’s particularly harsh form of hard rock music by playing the video above. That’s “Sheena is a T-Shirt Salesman,” lead single (?) from the their new LP The Plot Against Common Sense, and man, is it an angry, angry piece of music. All churning guitars and furious, shouted vocals, it’s the kind of song that doesn’t really exist anymore except in the headphones of very particular listeners, although I’ll be careful to check my “too obscure” references so that I might not be labeled a hipster (which might very well be the worst thing one human being can say to another, just short of “cunt”). Continue reading

Thoughts on Max Payne 3; Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Payne


Dear Livejournal,

Today I – oh wait, um, man. How embarrassing. I guess I’m kind of new to this wordpress thing.

Instead of talking about my day (alright) or my dating life (non-existent) or my emotions (what?), maybe I’ll just jump into the whole reason I started this blog. Maybe it’s time to talk about some video games (or music, or movies, but mostly just video games for now).

I’m going to preface the this post by saying that I think Max Payne 3 is a magnificent game, and the things I’m about to say below this paragraph may seem negative at times, but that’s only because I’m kind of an asshole and I’ve been letting these thoughts ruminate since I finished the game a few days ago. Also, I’m aware that the game came out three or so weeks ago for Xbox 360 and PS3, but I’m more of a PC guy myself. Even so, this is a little late. Continue reading