Category Archives: Music

Nope, that’s not a grammatical error up there (although I’m sure there will be plenty to follow) — Moms is the new LP from Portland-based indie-rockers Justin Harris and Danny Seim of Menomena. Moms follows on the heels of Mines, a spectacular effort and one of the best albums of 2010, as well as the (perhaps unsurprising, given the band’s known tension and in-fighting) departure of one-third of the band in Brent Knopf. The question wasn’t so much if the band would continue (according to Danny Seim and Justin Harris, that was never really an issue), so much as if they could keep the momentum that they had built with Friend and Foe and Mines. Continue reading

Future of the Left Release Album, World Becomes a More Sarcastic Place

If you’re not sure who Future of the Left are, you should  quickly acquaint yourself with the band’s particularly harsh form of hard rock music by playing the video above. That’s “Sheena is a T-Shirt Salesman,” lead single (?) from the their new LP The Plot Against Common Sense, and man, is it an angry, angry piece of music. All churning guitars and furious, shouted vocals, it’s the kind of song that doesn’t really exist anymore except in the headphones of very particular listeners, although I’ll be careful to check my “too obscure” references so that I might not be labeled a hipster (which might very well be the worst thing one human being can say to another, just short of “cunt”). Continue reading